Thread: Licensed World Trigger [Manga]
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Old 2014-11-25, 10:26   Link #72
James Rye
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Germany
Originally Posted by dniv View Post
Wow, I just marathoned the anime (or what there is of it) and read all of the manga that's out so far... up through the raws... This is really interesting, fascinating, good and I really like it.

I hope more people start watching this, get into it, find out abut it. I highly approve.

I can see why people said that the story takes some time to build up. It really did get a lot more interesting.

Though, the author is hella ambitious because the previous arc felt like a One-Piece arc (in terms of length) even if it was done really well, and had a lot of interesting world-building and information...

(It isn't that I read OP... it's just that... we suddenly got a long arc... and this would have to be popular... in order to have completion with the story... but I really hope that this gets more popular, because it's awesome.)
Glad to see that you got to like the manga (despite the pretty poorly done anime <.<). WT did had a slow pace, it got faster lately, but at the beginning it was pretty slow. If you'd compare HeroBoku's first twenty chapters with WT's first twenty then there are worlds between their pacings and of stuff happening. xD

But it's not like I dislike it from WT as long as it manages to get Osamu, Yuuma and CHika someday to a neighbor world. Though I guess we might get to see a neighbor world earlier with following Jin and others on one of their expeditions as an arc that builds up Jin's character.

Now for chapter 79:

Wow, this was a very intense chapter!
Probably due how much happened here and how many moves and action and tricks and surpises were shown ALL AT ONCE! That chapter alone had battle development worthy of like 10 chapters of your average shounen battle manga!

First ofc the defeat of Viza, which takes both Hyrein and Mira by shock as well as Yuuma immedaitely rushing to osamu's aid. Really like how there is no "celebration" panel like usually done where the winner can say something cool/relax/etc after winning the fight. Instead it is a "quickquickquick" running away from that site of battle as it doesn't mean anything to Yuuma if he were too late to protect Osamu by giving him cover fire with his seals.He didn't even pat himself on the shoulder like other MCs would do after defeating a troublesome opponent with a ballsy move.

Then we had the result of the off-panel fight of the two rabits versis the snipers and the trapper of Border, making the battle even more hasty and needing to come to a quick end for Hyrein and Mira as soon they will lose the ground control of the sniper position and then they are "f@cked".
Osamu goes for it! Mira spots him, Hyrein sends his birds, I think those are pigeons, out to cubefiy Osamu but the rabit throws himself into the bulletbird-fire getting cubefyed to pieces . You did a good job, rabit, good job!Yet his sacrifice was for naught as Mira's warpspikes pirces Osamu's body and stop his get-away!

Everything seems over as the birds approach Osamu's positon with rapid speed and then he shouts "TRIGGER OFF!", escapes those spikes as his trion body together with the spikes vanishes, leaving his real body vulernable but free to escape to HQ!
The birds scatter like glass as they hit his real body unable to cubefiy blood and flesh. And Hyrein's getting really pissed.

Miwa ofc won't have it that Hyrein doesn't pay attention to him so he taunts him and it is effective as Hyrein wants this to be over already and uses the combo attack with Mira BUT! That was EXACTLY what Miwa had been waiting for, knowing about this trick of theirs already! using his Viper function on his pistol he shoots through the wormhole, wounding the two BT soldier heavily in a single go! F@ck yeah, did that scene looked good!
Miwa goes for the kill but Mira uses her warpportal to send Miwa far away from the battlefield. Now Osamu is without cover but Mira has used up her trion as her wounds are too grave and her trion is running out.

And yet this is still bad news for Osamu as Hyrein personally goes for the kill, intending to capture Osamu before he reaches the door to HQ and he knows he WILL be able to do so!
But (man, we got tons of "buts" in this chapter xD) both Miwa and Yuuma are not done yet! They shout to Replica to give them the location of Hyrein via the clones as they ready their weapons! Yuuma with a HUGE seal and Miwa pulls out frikkin' Fujin after taking his trigger body off (most likely as fujin would not have function if he were in his trion body as it was not added to it yet) and then we get told that there are 7 SECONDS LEFT TILL OSAMU EITHER GONNA DIE OR SURVIVE!


Man, I need a drink after reading this chapter. Intense as f@ck!

Really liked how a single information (Hyrein and Mira combo) combinded with the right tool/equipment (Viper bullets from Miwa's gun) were THE deciding factor in this battle as it resulted in a single A-agent (who's ranking 7th with his team no less while higher agents have been defeated already) dealing a lot of damage to two Black Triggers, forcing one to run out of trion to send him away and the other to go personally for the kill as their bodies are running dangerously low on trion!
Yeah, Aftokrator b!tches! Where is your superiority now, huh?

Osamu however has also done a avery nice twist in this chapter as he gives up on the safety for his own life aka the bail-out of his trion body and puts his real life on a bet to risk and ALL that just to keep Chika safe (man, whoever ships Osamu with Chika must have had a heartgasmn at this chapter)! It is one thing to see high ranked and talented agents fights till their combat bodies give out and they return home to base, to safety, thanks to bail-out and a whole other deal to see a lowly B-agent discard his combat body and accepts the risk of death to protect a friend and comrades of his! Damn!
That was a really gutsy and ballsy move, deep respect for Osamu for going so far. Doubt any A-agent would be ready to give up on their trion body to put their real one to risk for a plan we still have no clue about but is ultimatley concerned with Chika's safety and preventing the enemy from capturing her.

In chapter 80 we finally get the last chapter of the Invasion arc!
Great final I'd say!
Seeing this chapter it feels like Karasuma's defeat against Hyrein was not for nothing. It was after all the information that Miwa used to wound both Hyrein and Mira severly. WHich I think is the reason Osamu did not died there. If Mira had her full trion she would have produced over a dozen needles that might have killed Osamu as quickly as they did to Enedra!
So even a lose/defeat can have some good sides to it if it gives more ground for a future victory!

I really enjoy how tactics/equipment/situation/enviroment/and what not are important in WT and do not take a seat back before "AWESOME POWERS/SKILLS!!!!" and instead show that they can overtake somebody with great power even if you do not have a great power yourself.

Which is shown by Osamu and Replica - a weak B-agent and a badly damaged trion soldier. Not the heroes you would imagine for a war. And certainly not the way they did brought victory.
No power-up.
No giant monster called forth to beat back the invaders.
No epic skill used to change the entire landscape (and have nobody die anyway).
Just a boy running with his legs and a trion soldier knowing how to hack things. A throw, a second of superspeedhacking - done. The invasion is repelled.
Nice, I like how we got a MC who did something important without being suddenly imba or getting an OP-skill only 2 other people in the world can used and for which they needed years to train and the MC only 3 months.

Ofc without cool skills or weapons Osamu would have been killed by Hyrein, so they did played their part. However they were not the main reason the Aftokrators had to retreat, they provided the main reason coverfire. Miwa's Fujin and Yuuma's huge seal bolt fire were not the reasons the Aftokrator forces pissed their pants and run like beaten dogs.
The Aftokrators didn't even "lose" if you see it that way that they seem to have achieved some of their obejctives, they just didn't got everything they wanted, that's all.

Border on the other hand can be seen as "winner" yet with that destruction and losing so many agents in such an invasion does not speak well for their defenses if future invasions might become even bigger than this one. A second ship filled with humanoid neighbors and hundreds of Trion soldiers would have finished Border and the City with ease together with the first one.

And again a surprise attack was useful and left heavy damage. I really can't understand why so many shounen battle mangas always do the "hey asshat, I'm over here, let's have a fight" instead of having a much more logical surprise attack from behind to get this done quickly without getting too injured yourself.
Or why the villians always have to explain their skills.....
Anyway, hyrein lost his Alektor weapon thanks to Miwa's long-ranged Fujin strike thus Hyrein's fish shield was riddled with holes and Yuuma's shots connected, stopping Hyein's rush to Osamu who then had enough time to aim to throw Replica to the ship's computer.

Same is with how Osamu and Replica tricked Hyrein by using another trion cube, probably from the black rabit, to think it was Chika's cube till he touched it to confirm its trion quality.
Hyrein and Mira would probably have stayed till the bitter end if there was a chance to get their hands on Chika, no matter what forces Border throws at them. The 60 second return command gave them no choice though. So it did felt to me like Aftokrator could have done far worse damage if not forced for a retreat. Alone by kidnapping people and stuff.

To think that they left Hyuse behind just because they did not captured Chika... and they killed Enedra with no second thought once he lost... seems like things are not going well in Aftokrator if they decide to kill a BT-user (although he has gone mad) and leave behind a skilled and talented warrior.
Guess we will hear later about that, maybe from Hyuse himself who is now alone in enemey's land.

Replica's last words were pretty sad. Even at the end he only thought of Yuuma by asking Osamu to take care of him. :C

Well and that's the end of the manga as we get to see Osamu losing consciousness in his blood. Quite a lot of blood but probably pretty close to how three wounds in upper leg, stomach and arm would bleed like for a couple minutes. It's pretty clear though that Osamu not gonna die now though he will have to recover from those wounds which might take some time. I'm hoping to see some trigger(trion technology that might speed up said healing. <3
And I hope Osamu might get to keep some scars from that experience. Sure those scars will never look as cool as Zorro's nor been seen constantly if anytime at all as they would usually be covered by his clothes/uniform, but it still would look good on him and be a sign of how far he is ready to go to protect somebody else. That of itself is already pretty cool in my opinion.
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