Thread: Licensed World Trigger [Manga]
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Old 2014-11-21, 15:10   Link #70
James Rye
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Germany
Chapter 77 reminded me a lot of HxH, I wonder why? XDDD
Still, as rough as it was, it had a pretty good charm to it in my opinion. And it was pretty clear as well in storytelling as we got to see that even the elite of the elites have troublesome opponents to which their triggers are not compatible with. Hyrein vs Miwa with his unstoppable lead bullets, many little shields and closecombat advantage to which Hyrein with his long and mid range trigger is in the disadvantage and can only mostly defend and dodge to avoid losing too much trion. Mira vs Black rabit who cannot be pirced by her warp-spikes and whos swings can hardly be countered with a black hole unlike shots from gunners or snipers.
It's good to know that even something that seems superstrong can get weakened a lot only by simply countering its strong points and focusing on its weak ones.

Chapter 78, liked how Osamu tried to keep his cools while he was nearly about to panic. Heck most of us would have paniced by now if we were in his shoes, I know I would have. XD
Good thinking of him to take the bigger half of Replica with him. Replica must have been really hurt, obviously given he lost nearly half his body, that he has to switch to auxiliary systems to be able to talk and help Osamu/Chika. Twenty seconds doesn't sound much but evading lots of trion spikes and alektor birds with only one functional leg -baaaad idea. But Replica got an idea so they will probably find a way out without anybody getting hurt, right?^^

Dang! I know WT battles tend not to look as flashy or as impressive as in other shounen manga, but they still got their own kind of epicness added in. Seeing Viza's Organon blades circulating and cutting through what was once homes and workplaces of so many families while Yuuma is dodging them, maintaining his distance to Viza, it just sort of has an elegant yet sad feeling. Elegant in its destruction and sad at the same time if you imagine your own home getting cut to pieces.

The power consisteny of WT is well done in my opinion. Despite Yuuma being a veteran in battle he clearly sees his own disadvantage to Viza's full experience who, given his trigger being a national treasure, seems to have the status of a national war hero who has nearly been never defeated in his whole life. That Yuuma thus decided to go with a head-on attack, disregarding his father's rules to be able to leave this fight to help Osamu and Chika is pretty gutsy.
And we see why when Viza was nearly about to cut Yuuma's head in half but he was using his chain ability on himself (i like it when a single ability gets used in many different ways instead of only one) to stop himself midair, the blade cutting milimetres before him thin air and then catapults himself again towards Viza. And then he loses his legs as he gets past the last blade and when you just think he got Viza now you get to that nicely done diagonal cut panel and see Yuuma being cut in half (this is sort of a theme, isn't it? XD) by Viza's sword in his hand.
And then that was the whole trick, as Viza sees Yuuma not bailing out and getting ready for an attack. An Attack Viza could not avoid as he wanted to hit back and kill Yuuma when his trigger was to heavy to move with its lead bullet in it. Viza's confusion cost him valuable seconds and in those Yuuma's attack landed, pulverizing Viza'S body! Ofc Viza had no clue about Yuuma's trick as he didn't know that Yuuma had a trion body under his trion body and could still attack thanks to his black trigger. But I doubt that trick would work a second time on Viza. If those two ever have a fight again that is.^^

I liked that chapter a lot as Viza was shown as the superior and stronger fighter of them two yet he still "lost" due something he had no knowledge about and this little fact was what Yuuma made full use of to get the needed advantage to finish Viza off. Like the old man said "he cannot be beaten alone with brazen ferocity alone". You have to spice it up with a little trick to surprise him and make the hit connect.

Also chapter 84 raw is out!

Great, when I get next week's raw I will have no real clue what exactly they will be talken about. :/
Still a good chapter, but being such a political one I cannot see it getting high ranks in Jump.
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