Thread: Licensed World Trigger [Manga]
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Old 2014-11-19, 12:26   Link #68
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Originally Posted by James Rye View Post
Chapter 76:


Or did he? Well, most likely not 'cause then Yuuma and Miwa would be without little Replica-clones helping them in their fights, making them worse for them. Plus then Osamu has like zero chance to enter the HQ to get Chika to safety.

But getting cut in half surely isn't all that good even for an autonomus trion soldier who can create little clones of himself, so I suspect this to be a very serious wound to Yuuma's last family member (If his mom isn't alive somewhere or he got some uncle on earth we don't know about xD). Also imagine how that would left Yuuma - losing his father due being overconfident in his skills and then losing Replica due ordering him to help Osmau and Chika (which was good that he did, else they would have been captured already):
He would be devasted. Or at least I would, if I were in his place.

Oh well, just shows why you should not annoy woman with horns, doesn't it?
Yes, horny women can be very dangerous.

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