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Old 2014-11-17, 08:01   Link #26
Join Date: May 2014

I uploaded my own version about 2 days ago which contains ch 1 and ch 3, a mistake that I made was thinking the protagonist bought apples, but he didn't buy it at all. (I replaced that error.) If there are any other areas anyone wants to point out, they can reply to me and I'll change it.

The mistake in question まさかリンゴ買えんとは should actually be (まさかリンゴ買えないとは) after considering the context, I'm bad at this when the characters speak informally.

After comparing my own version with the one time-scans, I can't say I like their version because they omit details, made some TL errors as well and the treatment is kind of sloppy for a series that I really think is good.

Edit: Another mistake I found, I wrote amateur in one of the bad guy's bubbles, but googling it further reveals that it's 尼 (Original meaning is "Nun", but the explanation offered from the net is that this word has a relevance/resemblance to "Woman"), and so クソ Shit(ty) + アマ (Nun) = What the heck is with this woman (angry).

Basically クソアマ = shitty bitch. ~_~ Oops such a big boo boo.

「クソアマ」の「アマ」の部分は、女性をののしって言う言葉です。もとは「尼」でしたが、この意味では「女 」とも書くようです。「クソ」もののしる言葉ですから、結局「クソアマ」とは「なんだこの女(怒)」みたい な意味ですかね。

Last edited by Silentwolfie; 2014-11-17 at 10:35.
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