Thread: Licensed Boku no Hero Academia
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Old 2014-11-15, 11:41   Link #46
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
I've seen a lot of people make comparisons between this series and Naruto lately, but.... I just don't see it. I mean, I guess I can kinda see how Aizawa is a bit similar to Kakashi due to how laid back they are, but that's really about it. As me and some others said already, it has much more in common with OPM than anything (superhero-themed, untalented main character who had to train his butt off to gain his abilities, goofy character designs, etc.). I mean, I get that people will want to find a series to fill in Naruto's void now that it ended, but come on, guys!
I don't see it either, and I feel like the community is forcing those comparisons. Hero Academia strikes out on a very different path from those 3 battle shounens, where the closest comparisons I would offer are series like Ratman or, as you said, OPM, where the series puts a reverent shounen twist on traditional cape comics and tokusatsu shows. If you want to limit it to jump, it adheres closer to Ansatsu than anything else. We'll get some similarities in characterizations (there are only so many archtypes they draw from) but the storytelling, setting and themes are all starkly different.

I just think its the combination of this being the hottest new Jump property since Soma, it being a very promising battle shounen (when was the last time we got one of those, huh?) and the fact that the recent start coincides timing-wise with Naruto's ending. From what I've seen, it got a lot of people looking at this like it's the successor to Naruto's place in the Big Three, when really, much of the meaning in that trinity was lost years ago.

Last edited by com_gwp; 2014-11-15 at 11:55.
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