Thread: Licensed World Trigger [Manga]
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Old 2014-11-14, 11:13   Link #65
James Rye
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Germany
Chapter 69-72:

Well dang, Mikumo. You f@cked up. Chika's now a cube 'cause you ignored orders and tried to attack Hyrein instead to run away. But the good thing is that now Chika is easier to carry around. Not small enough to put in your pocket mind you. XD

His scape against two rabits was pretty sweet, though ofc there was no way he could outrun two A-ranks trion soldiers. Still a cool move with how he riped open the neck of that one rabit that tried to grab Chika.
Osamu really grows over himself when he gotta protect somebody.

Replica has awesome timing plus his powers, creating a gate to show up a balack Border rabit - daaaaaaaamn.No idea how long it took Aftokrator to develop those rabits but Replica can just analyse and well replicate their technology in a matter of seconds!

Spoiler for Picture of Konami, Usami and Yotaro plus Thunder god enjoying the summer:

Nice picture! Never found that one in google search, seems to be a really rare one. Thanks for sharing, betterthannothing+Zettai translation project.

Replica really is useful with his way to analyse and counter trigger mechanism immediately. Makes me wonder what Troipoi must be for a neighbor nation, given Viza that is where Replica was made apprently. Is Yuuma's mother from Troipoi? Did she perhaps build Replica?

Back to Enedra vs Suwa. Still like how a B-team can keep a BT busy as long as they got the right situation for it, meaning having chosen the training simulation room for their combat ground.
Weird how Enedra didn't try to escape but looks like he's dead-set on getting the monkeys killed before him. Giving the operators enough time to analyse his trigger and see where his body core is.

"That mischievous brat..." sounds like this was not the first time Shinoda decided to go for a short"cut". XD

960 seconds till the crossroad future. Finally, countdown timing for the final!

An AC used in a shounen battle fight. XD
Makes sense against gas, just kind of rare to see in mangas not using nuke a, or special move b or supersecretstuff to turn around a battle. Just turn on the AC and no inbody blades anymore for Enedra. XD

No wonder Shinoda is the defense chef and teacher of Tachikawa, the number 1 A rank, he got quite the skills for how he deals with a BT on his own.

Enedra got another trick up his sleeve though as he has moved away his core and showed up on a different and higher location using his liquid form wandering through the cracks in the floor. And with that Shinoda gets hit by his gas attack and inner blades burst out of his body.

"Internal shields": Interesting detail, given Shinoda's trion body look being the same from that short flashback of the first Border agents it might mean that his trion body has no "bail-out" function but instead got harden trion shells as internal shields to protect the trion supply and relay center. Ofc I doubt that helped much in actual fights to protect the agents lifes. Bail-out is a much safer option to prevent Border agents deaths. Though that explains why we got so few adults left in the agent forces, most of them died or got injured too heavily to continue duty before bail-out was invented.

Suwa squad then attacks and Hisato does an invisible attack which was a sacrifice move to create a smokescreen for the real assassins: Kikuchihara and Utagowa were the ones dealing the final blow to Enedra's core and getting revenge for their captain.

I really enjoyed how those chapters showed that "small fry" can also bring down a Black Trigger user, people who are the elite of the elite, rare warriors in the neighborhood. Even a military superpower like Aftokrator only has a couple of those. And some B-ranks and A-ranks such a battle monster. Not another black trigger, nope, not even whole teams of A ranks, nope, just a couple agents who did their job and made the best of the situation they were in.
Shame this chapter ranked so low in Jump, guess people cannot get much enjoyment outta such well-thought and planned fights with actual tactical stuff when they don't know the characters good enough yet.

Honestly though, I found this fight to be a lot more enjoyable than most of the battles in Naruto or Bleach. Enedra might have been crazy but at least he kept his mouth shut about his powers and didn't told anybody that he can uses gas attacks and what now. But ofc Naruto and Bleach are masterpieces mangas and WT is nothing compared to them, so what do I know about what makes a battle good or enjoyable? <_<

Anyway, Moira/Mira shows up!!! Yes! 8D
And she goes and takes off Enedra's hand for start. o_o
Makes sense though that she only retrieves the BT and leaves Enedra behind. He defied orders, went on a amokrun when told to capture baby chickens and apparently has braincancer due his trigger horns taking root in his brain and changing his personality.
Wonder how Toei gonna show that cut of arm scene given they wanna make a kiddy show. Hope they wont censor it too much.
And ofc the death of Enedra, pirced in the chest by several trion spikes from Moira's wormholes.
First death in WT, gentlement and ladies.

Didn't people said there's no tension there due the trion bodies preventing death? Seems like somebody hasn't told Enedra about it. Or the Border people he killed in the communication center.

Liked how calm Shinoda handled the situation and ordered for a medical team to observe the dead neighbor body. His horns, warp locator bracelet and other stuff he might carry with him will be definetely useful for Border's engineers and scientists.
Interesting how not shocked Kikuchihara and Utagowa were when Enedra was killed or how they showed no hesitation to search a just killed man for tools. Suwa, an adult, clearly showed shock and most likely would have been creeped out by searching some dead guy. The two teens on the other hand acted as if they had done that a lot already.
Makes me wonder how they "steal" trigger technology from other nations...

In the fight Jin vs Hyuse it seems like Hyuse is really rattled up by hearing he will be abadonned and that Enedra got killed by one of Aftokrator. Given he wants to "see the truth with his own eyes", he might become a possible ally for Border later on when he really gets left behind by his team.

Izumi vs Hyrein goes into the next phase, bees. Too small now for Izumi to hit them all with little trion shots. Nice trick of Izumi though with figuring out Hyrein's BT ability and using it to make Hyrein think he wanted to bury him under rubble while he only meant to make way for the snipers of Border to take their shots at Hyrein.
Who got immediatly hit, a pretty big hole in his stomach. Seems like bees don't make good shields after all. :P

Hope I get to read the raw for chapter 83 soon. From what I heard Osamu's mom ships her son with Chika. If she ship-teases her son with other girls as well and embarress him this way, she gonna be a fun mom. XD
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