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Old 2014-10-29, 12:37   Link #93
milan kyuubi
Call me MK! :)
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: The top of the world.
Age: 34
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A trailer will be spread in cinemas from November the 1st. It will introduce the contains of the movie that is anxious thanks to the scenes in it.

Toneri who declares that he wants to destroy the world appears in front of Naruto. What is the aim of Toneri who possesses a very big/enormous power?
What the hell is Toneri's aim?

The enemy attacks the village of Konoha!
An attack towards the Hyuuga clan! Hinata's little sister end up being kidnapped!!
Hanabi who was aimed at!

A group of mysterious attack on Naruto!
Some (or several) shinobis appear in the village of Konoha! Naruto fights them, but his opponents appear to not be theses shinobis (not sure about that part).

Naruto's team has to rescue Hanabi, so they penetrate the enemy's territory! But some terrible traps are waiting for them here!!
Not confirmed, but...
Fukuyama said that when he heard that Naruto was ending, he uttered, "Finally!!" in surprise.
Just Lol!

So it's going to be Naruto vs Lelouch!
My Twitter account! Thanks to Godlike1889 for the sig!
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