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Old 2006-04-16, 00:03   Link #25
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Originally Posted by Ziv
Spoiler for here ya go:
LOL! speechless!! LOL

@syaoran I can give ya a few ideas if ya like to see if you can keep on going (it is rude to take someone else's story and keep it going, but it is helpfull to give ideas to the writer so he can feel insipired )

Now to continue with my characters history: (in case u don't like my character I can't leave things unfinished so don't worry i'll try and finish this now).

After kakashi suggesting Nakashima Taiki to become a hunternin, he went to become the most feared of them all at the village hidden in the leaves. Every other ninja in Konoha chose to leave him alone and not associate with him, for all the missing nins he has killed, and stories of how brutally he is in order to accomplish his missions. The one story that made Konoha almost hate him, was when he alone attacked a village where there was a missing nin living at. It was said that the missingnin had given himself up, and wanted to return to Konoha, but Nakashima didn't want to return and be considered a weakling for showing mercy, and deciding to bring back his target alive. Before he managed to kill the missing nin in one of the small countries near the borders of Konoha, ninja from that village decided to step in. Nakashima warned them that before they messed with matters that didn't concern him that they would not succeed in killing him. Even with the warning, the weaklings from the village attacked one of the best hunternins from the village hidden in the leaves. Nakashima worked alone for a good reason, he was cursed to lose all of his teamates in all of his missions, or so it was believed. Nakashima threw one of his new bombs made by himself, hoping to only stun the ninja's, kill his target and return without causing trouble. Only problem with this, was that he must of mixed something wrong when he made that bombs, for the entire village went up in smoke. Napalm came out of the bomb, creating flames that didn't wash away with water. He brought an entire village down, along with 3/4 of the villagers, and all of his targets. For his rotten luck, he was unharmed since his kekei genkai also created walls of Iron around him whenever he needed. He though that his shield would of blocked him from the stun, instead it blocked him and the villagers that lived from the blast and flames.
Nakashima returned at full speed to Konoha to give the news to the third hokage, to be told that what happened during his mission was only a small problem in his mind at the moment. When Nakashima returned Itachi had killed almost everyone from his clan except for sasuke. Due to fear by the third hokage of Itachi returning, and killing sasuke, he put Nakashima as his body guad as punishment. A more severe one will come afterwards, but at the time the hokage was too sad to think of some type of punishment for Nakashima.
News of Nakashima being the bodyguard of sasuke at the hospital due to the MS sharingan spread to the families that were friends with the Uchiha clan. Due to the fear that the villagers had towards Nakashima nobody visited Sasuke in his entire stay in the hospital. For exception of the hokage and Kakashi who went to talk to Nakashima upon his actions on his last mission. Nakashima admired Kakashi and would do whatever he asked of him, well almost whatever. By the end of the day Nakashima had a decision to make: To either be prosecuted as a criminal for disobeying his orders as a hunternin, or to become sasuke's shadow untill told otherwise. So Nakashima became very closely Sasuke's only friend and shadow. Ever since Sasuke had left the hospital and lived in his house all alone, Nakashima was there. He would escort him from far to the academy and back. Untill Sasuke one day bursted into tears and told Nakashima to go to leave him alone, that he hates him and that he reminds him of Itachi. In response Nakashima asked two questions to sasuke:
Nakashima: Do you hate your brother?
Sasuke: *sob sob* Yes with all my heart *sob*
Nakashima: Do you want to be strong?
Sasuke: YES! that way I can avenge father and mother and kill HIM!
Nakashima: If you let me, I will help you, but with one condition.
Sasuke: *stoping to cry* what is it
Nakashima: You must never cry again, for the strong don't cry no matter the pain on their bodies or hearts, and as such you will become as cold as ice, and as strong as Iron.

A year passed after this, and Nakashima grew weaker and more attached to Sasuke, while on the other hand Sasuke stopped caring about everything and everyone, and his only concern was to become stronger. And as promised the third hokage came to Nakashima and told him, that he had been punished enough, and that he didn't have to guard sasuke anymore. And that if he wanted he could be made into a jounin. But Nakashima refused and decided to stay as a hunternin. Even though Nakashima's strength is near the kage level, his jutsu isn't and even less his self control. Upon his last mission as a hunternin, he was sent after Itachi. Which Nakashima did catch up to, but soon afterwards he wasn't heard from again. It was believed that had been defeated by Itachi, untill a year later he appeared back at konoha removed from his headgear, and showing his clans symbol, instead of konoha. Upon his return, he was asked why didn't he return sooner, and where had he been, and what had happened to him. But it wasn't untill he spoke to the third that he gave up all everything that had happened. When he caught up to Itachi, he was in the hidden mist village. To avoid starting a war, and a conflict that might make the village hidden in the mist think that konoha is at war with them, he waited nearby for a chance to catch Itachi off-guard. But he was captured by hidden mist jounins instead. Nakashima told the ninja, that he was from konoha on a mission to kill a missing nin, that they had to not interfere. Right when they were going to let Nakashima go away, one of the senior Jounin saw the taiki clans emblem on his right arm. As soon as he saw this, he asked with desperation what Nakashima's full name was, and when he said Nakashima Taiki, the jounin tried to kill Nakashima. He told Nakashima he was one of the ninja in the mission that killed his entire family. And that untill Nakashima died that mission is still considered a failure. By hearing this, Nakashima kills the jounin using his katan in a flash, where the other jounin that was watching didn't even see the sword blow. As soon as this happens, the jounin starts doing symbols for the 水刑務所の技術 (water prison jutsu), Nakashima being a good hidden mist decendant, uses a water jutsu, which was 水ドラゴンの技術 (water dragon jutsu). With both jounins dead, Nakashima went to where once stood his clans home. Frustrated with the lies of his childhood, been told that his parents where killed in the last war, and him fighting for konoha all this time when he isn't even one of their own, he decides to remove his protector, and any symbols from konoha, and give up the chase after Itachi. And as a good tracker, he tracks down all of the ninja that were involved in the annihalation of his clan. And as such one after the other fell, including ninja's from other villages and he started to steal their secrets. Nakashima now had jutsu's from all of the most important villages in the land, from the village hidden in the clouds, from the village hidden in the sand, and the village hidden among the stones. And once his revenge was finished, he decided to return to the one place he called home, Konoha. Believing that other hunternins might be after him, since for sure he must be considered a missingnin at the moment, he was very carefull in hiding who he was, and covered his tracks everywhere. After 7 months that Nakashima headed out to kill Itachi, Nakashima returns to Konoha without any head protector, and with the spilled blood of his enemies. As soon as he finishes telling the story to the third hokage, he tells him that he no longer can be considered part of konoha and that he knew this. Or that he can return to the land of water. So to bragain his staying in Konoha, the one place he has ever called home, he asks the third to consider him the first of his kind, the first の傭兵 (mercenary). He would work for Konoha, and that he would perform any type of mission, and that he would do it without any fear of konoha ever been caught or told that they send ninja's to invade other lands. (ok im out of fresh ideas ill come up with sum tmrw lol)

Last edited by mechwar666; 2006-04-16 at 01:34.
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