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Old 2014-09-28, 02:17   Link #79
Basileus Basileōn
Join Date: Jan 2011
Originally Posted by SigUp View Post
Nice job by the author. He can freely unleash WMD fantasies against that big Asian mainland blob while avoiding morale issues because he engineers it as a self-defense action, without even the need to explain it other than "they are an evil invader".

No wonder do some Koreans and Chinese who take fiction too seriously condemn Mahouka for being right-wing nationalistic.

That's not really the wording of article 9, although the existence of the JSDF alone kind of indirectly violates the strict wording:

And by the way, although we are drifting away from the topic, I don't think there is a sure-fire majority among the population for a change of article 9.
Not really the precise wording but it's the current interpretation of the constitution upheld by the supreme court(there's no doubt the judges are clearly biased towards rearming Japan though).

The point is that the constitution is a domestic law,not an international agreement.It's an entirely different matter if Japan signed an internationally recognised agreement with other countries not to fight wars or maintain armed forces. Even then, we have no idea what happened in the Mahouka Universe. Keep in mind that Mahouka takes places in 2090s,nearly a century from now.The consitution can clearly be changed. In fact, that's what they are already doing right now. The Japanese are free to change it whenever they want and the JSDF is legal because the supreme court ruled that it doesn't contradict article 9 even though it is clearly against what's written in the constitution.

At any rate, I do agree that Mahouka is right wing propaganda.
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