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Old 2014-09-26, 23:55   Link #52
Index III was a mistake
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Sydney, Australia
Age: 32
I've been thinking about what the exact date this chapter is occuring on.

We know that Daihaseisai has ended so at the very least we have passed September 25.

Kamijou and Index are at the District 23 Airport on the morning of September 26. The flight time between Tokyo and Venice is 15 hours. They are supposed to be at Venice on September 27 to meet up with the guided tour. His entire day in Venice is devoted the Queen of the Adriatic Sea Incident. He is back in AC on September 28.

I'm guessing that the day after Mikoto gets the card is September 26 (1 day after Daihaseisai ends). And the morning after the Misaki dream (end of the chapter) is September 27. Given the amount of story we have given so far, I feel like this is going to be a short arc if it ends by either the 27th or 28th. That or Kamijou will get involved again at the end after he comes back from his disappointing trip.
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