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Old 2014-09-04, 00:24   Link #15
Psyco Diver
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post
Presumably. It's not like Asuna could've gotten pregnant in the game, and I find it unlikely that there's any consequences like STDs in game... and even if there was, Kirito and Asuna seemed to be exclusive to one another, so that really wouldn't be an issue for them.

The only real consequences would be how it affects their relationship and their mental states, and there's nothing the game could do about that. But the physical dangers likely aren't present.
This every step of the way

That said I would say the first time Kirito realized he had feelings for her was when she undressed infront of him in her house, me being a male understands his denseness to the opposite sex feelings and takes something like that for men to realize what their acctually feeling. Also that scene still makes me laugh to this day
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