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Old 2014-08-09, 20:05   Link #23
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: in the land down under...
Originally Posted by Baffo View Post
It hasn't been a year since Tatsuya and Miyuki started high school; in Japan the school year starts in April (now they are in October), but the Student council president and other members that are in their 3rd year step off their position in the last semester of their 3rd year to concentrate on entrance exams for University/college and also so that the next Student council has time to adapt and get experience before the next school year starts...

The full explanation of what happened in the 2 months between the 9 schools competition and the present time in the anime is covered in the 5th volume of the light novel (basically a collection of shorter stories focused on the supporting characters, rather than the protagonists all the time).

It is not mandatory to understand what is going on, but if you find the time skip without explanation too jarring I would advise checking it out (I particularly like the last chapter of the 5th volume, covering the student council president election...)
I think that, from a Japanese viewer's perspective, it probably just wasn't necessary to explain the time skip and 'change of the guard', because it can be easily surmised based on common knowledge. As you've indicated, it's just one feature of how the Japanese school system runs -- students only participate in 'club' activities (the student council is typically considered one such club) until the final competitions or events of their third year, which fall anywhere from about June to October. For student council members, their final event and task would be planning for and running the election. After that, they start preparing for uni entrance exams in January and February.

Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
It is.

They haven't graduated yet. They're in the same year as Ichihara. (Also, it's still september or so.)
2nd week of October, actually. The date was shown to be Oct 10 on the calendar that they had up on the screen when Rin started explaining the details of the competition. She also mentioned that there were 3 weeks until the date of the competition, which falls on the last Sunday of October.

Originally Posted by Alesio33 View Post
Overall the episode was good but there are a few points I think that should have been explained.

*snip* for LN stuff that shouldn't be here.

4. Great Asian Alliance = Union of China and Korea
Unnecessary and unfeasible. First, it's unnecessary because the fact that borders have been redrawn--such that what was once Korea and China (and parts of Russia, amongst others) are now a single state--was on the screen in the prologue of episode one. Unfortunately, the anime staff used the unwieldy "The Great Union of Asian" rather than "The Great Asian Alliance" that the English translators have used. But is it really something we need to know anyway? Second, it's unfeasible because I can't see anyone in the show actually needing to discuss the reality of their world.

In sum: there's a lot of information conveyed visually, if viewers were to notice it.

How Suetsugu Yuki drew the cover for Chihayafuru volume 34

Interview translations etc

You must free yourself from that illusion,
from the illusion that a story must have a beginning and an end.

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- Patrick Stokes

Last edited by karice67; 2014-08-09 at 22:32.
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