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Old 2014-08-02, 21:17   Link #86
Join Date: Aug 2010
Age: 36
Originally Posted by SigUp View Post
Again, what has that to do with the viewer being able to call him a murderer? And by the way, the government is not above the law in a modern state. It doesn't matter whether you have governmental approval or not when you conduct something illegal. It remains illegal.
Actually even the Charter of Human Rights aknowledges the death penalty and killing soldiers during war.
Not to mention the special anti-terrorism laws pretty much every country has, and no-head dragon is a terrorist group.

Originally Posted by Flower View Post
It is not the higher ups, necessarily, it is about public opinion. The Ten Clans should always be the best. Some no-name beat someone from the Ten Clans. Therefore Juumonji should overpower and destroy everyone to show the superiority of the Ten Clans.
I wonder how he will pull that off, because from what they said they want it to be seen public in some form of challenge, which Tatsuya can simply refuse.

Another thing I don't get is how this even came to be, I thought his aunt /the Yotsuba Clan is one of the 10 clans too, and just stranger than the rest together...

Originally Posted by kagato3 View Post
It looks bad if a "nobody" beats someone that is the next head of one of the ten clans. Because the relationship between the Yotsuba and Tatsuya is hidden him winning is seen as somewhat undermining their authority as they exist in part to keep all the rest of the mages in line as the leaders of Japan's magicians and therefore are seen as the Strongest of mages. Jumonji's solution is marry him in to one of the ten families.
So I don't understand how it comes that Tatsuya's aunt agreed to that decision of making him Marry someone from the 10 clans, or doing a contest against him to show off something they intend to keep secret.
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