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Old 2014-07-30, 15:10   Link #91
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by iceyfw View Post
did my questions really come off as complaints? sorry to hear read that. that's pretty disappointing there is no main plot to continually progress towards while all these subplots are going on. that's just me though i'm sure.
That's...not completely true. Tatsuya has his goal of making that magic-based reactor of his. A lot of what happens has appeared to advanced that goal in some way. And IIRC, the goal either requires or is heavily implied to require solving with what the series calls the "Three Great Mysteries of Modern Magic" in order to work.

Originally Posted by iceyfw View Post
it is true a character needs to completely change due to character development but i have not seen or read anything to trigger that development. is there really nothing that jumpstarts that character development for tatsuya and miyuki so far?
I really don't recommend using that kind of standard for the story. This isn't exactly a "Protagonist lives and becomes a more complex person" kind of a story. This is more of a "Watch the mastermind villain (Tatsuya) plan his goals" kind of a story. That being said, you do find out aspects of Tatsuya and Miyuki that weren't presented immediately as time goes on, simply because there wasn't enough information to work with initially.
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