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Old 2014-07-30, 01:44   Link #89
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Originally Posted by iceyfw View Post
asking these questions with limited information, wiki knowledge, and a quick skim of the light novel up to volume 13.

am i right to say tatsuya and miyuki receive barely any character development up to the latest light novel? it seems that way to me after i skimmed through everything. tbh i just wanted to stop skimming after i came to that conclusion. they were more or less the exact same people from reading volume 1. their beliefs, morals, virtues, ethics all remained the same. basically they have no internal conflict about themselves or life at all
"More of less the exact same people"... Because a character needs to completely change after a long time.

so what exactly is the main plot? it can't possibly be the slice of life, magic combat, double life of tatsuya. or is it? all i know is tatsuya wants to overthrow the yotsuba clan for miyuki's sake. if so, holy cow that is one slow plot progression with way too many subplots and they're still showing the politics of the world tatsuya and miyuki live in! at this point is the author even done writing about the politics? i thought we were done reading about politics until i read the 10 R&D labs in volume 13.
Tatsuya's goal is not to overthrow the Yotsuba. There is no main plot, only subplots.

does tatsuya even come close to dying in any battle? i was aware he is a mary stu but not to this extent. the guy doesn't even struggle at all to win his battles.
Clearly you just "skimmed through". Most of his battle were not fights to death or against magicians not at his level. To not lose and not struggle are completely different. You should "skim through" the Visitor arc more for example.

did the web novel even progress towards the main plot at all before it became a light novel?
The WN stopped at volume 12, which is already adapted in LN format.

A LN is not something where you can just "skim through", your questions just seem to be complaints in a convoluted form.
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