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Old 2014-07-20, 06:26   Link #53
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
Not bogus, exactly.

Basically, the educational system measures various things like how you interface with a CAD and 'complete' the sequence in your subconscious and other stuff. This is mentioned around the time of Hattori's fight.

Issue is, Tatsuya sucks at that, because of reasons. He seriously does. He has flash cast, but from what he told Mizuki, he can only do it with sequences with processes up to five or six in number.

It's actually interesting, because it parallels real world educational stuff. Education loves to test things, and loves to compartmentalize. While this sort of thing is necessary, a lot of educators grow really dogmatic and forget that this testing is imperfect.

In the Mahouka world, they test certain things and don't take into account other things, and thus Tatsuya, who's actually really talented in his own way (able to deal with multiple variables, which isn't tested according to him during the Hattori bout) is labeled a failure.
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