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Old 2014-07-19, 15:30   Link #79
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Originally Posted by Pablete View Post


Even some admited it and only care to read the manga once it happens.

To bad, because I know of some events where she can do well with the series without having to have Touma involved, (vol.11, 14
, 16, 17, etc)

- Level Upper. Check.
- Sisters. Check. It was a must so no complains there.
- Fillers. Check.

Yeah, he appears in every single arc except for Telesthina arc.

It stopped to be Raildex since Accelerator though, actually it's Toaru World .

If you like complains... deal with it. I'm not a blind fan or a cultist.

*looks at your avatar*

Nevermind, forget what I said. It's pointless for you anyway...
In Lever upper arc all he did was stop an explosion then dissapeared from the arc he didn't resolve it himself and like I said he was support in Daihaseisai railgun side.

Like I said he is the MC he is going to show up and as you pointed out there are going to be more arcs were he won't be around so complaining about it is pretty dumb.

Yeah, so? it's still Raildex to me since there hasn't been a new name for it and besides in my opinion we didn't really need an Accelerator manga since he appears very frequently in the LN since Battle Royale to the point of having full volumes following him and Hamazura, still it's good for the Accel fans and we at least might get more information for the main series. You call it what you want I call it what I want.

So? What does my avatar have to do with this discussion? Am I shipping anyone? No, i'm guessing you missed my sig, if you have a problem with it then take a good look at it since it's going to stay like that for a long time. You know what they say about assuming, right?
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