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Old 2014-06-22, 13:56   Link #73
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Well being someone who has a rather conservative view on attraction, there are 4 girls I think who like Tatsuya in THAT way. Miyuki, Honoka, Lina(but I don't see how this is gonna be relevant in the story after she disappears so I don't really like to count this one), and Mayumi as evidenced by her weird side story that was never published. However, I don't have enough proof to conclude that Erika has feelings beyond being a friend.

Now, Tatsuya doesn't like women and doesn't understand why people in general would even like him (even with Miyuki herself) so you won't see Tatsuya hit on anybody unless he regains strong emotions back but he may be married off as a political thing
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