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Old 2006-03-31, 00:10   Link #35
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Plue
Many subtitler groubs saying they used " After Effect + SSA + Virtual Dub " when they makes EP.

How they use After Effects, Virtual Dub and SSA in the same time?
I can't say that there's a universal process for it (and I'm sure someone could come on and say "why the heck would you do it that way?!"), but here's one very simplistic process that can work:

Filter (AviSynth, etc.) --> AE (render karaoke/signage) --> VitualDub/AviSynth (add .ssa/.ass script) --> Done! (encode)

Each --> represents a render; you'd use a lossless codec (like Huffyuv, etc.) until you get to the final step (when you'd convert to XViD/H.264/whatever). There are lots of tricks and shortcuts in this process, but I'd suggest that you should get comfortable with the full process first, as taking shortcuts can be risky. (For example, one efficiency can be rendering only the relevant AE segments (instead of the whole video) and then re-combining them at render-time (in AviSynth, etc.). Some encoders even pre-render and re-use OP sequences from episode to episode as they don't tend to change. But, both of these are a bit risky, so I wouldn't recommend it.)

Anyway, like I said, this is not the way, but it's at least one way to do it.
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