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Old 2014-06-04, 05:41   Link #389
The one whom passes by
Join Date: Dec 2013

I guess I can post this up for viewing. I am looking for comments and thoughts on the design and possibilities on improving my Log Horizon OC,
but please be more specific than "It's BAD" "It sux" "It's ok" "Looks Great!" kind of responses in the replies.
While I still need to fine tune afew things and waiting for more details or clues on the new class and sub-class skills.
So for now I'll go from assumptions and crazy run a away fan “logic”.

Spoiler for The Hunting Party:

Server: Oceania
Name: Xylon
Race: Human (Thinking about Wolfhair)
Class: Tribal (Was told it was a re-skinned Bard so basing off there stats)
Role: Offensive Vanguard/Ranged Reargaurd
HP: Low
MP: High
Subclass/lvl: Fortune teller 90+
Guild: None, recently retired from active guild


Main Weapon: Ocean lord's crystal tear.
A rare weapon made of living crystal, coral and bone from a legendary sea boss from a water raid encounter.
Encountering the event requires the entire raid party to sail out into the ocean for the chance encounter of a monstrous serpent like monster.

This particular raid was chased into a small groups of sand islands where battle took place

The weapon boast unparalleled piercing abilities and offers per strike a chance for water and wind element attack support.

Range optional weapon(s)

Numerous Boomerangs
A cheap crafted weapon that is sold in bulk in the adventurers market or from crafters.
While not as damaging as the larger scale models adventures can effortless swarm the field with these projectiles without
needing to retrieve the weapons should they fail to return and in greater numbers.

With Xylon's current mastery skill, he can only have 5 boomerangs (airborne) active on the field at once.
Each can return to the user after hitting an opponent or completing its flightpath uninterrupted, however should one break or fail to return.
Xylon suffers a small cool-down or timer affect in the weapon slot or bar, limiting his weapons and attacks by
a factor of 1 until the weapon is replaced/regenerated from his inventory.

Wind-slasher Gigas boomerang
A massively large production class boomerang that is about the same size as a average man.
While it can be used for an improvise shield, due to its size and weight most players find it too much of a burden to use in battle.

It's sole ability is cleave, once launched it becomes a deadly offensive threat to anything in its path

However while airborne it leaves the wielder virtually defenseless until it returns.
Should something happen that effects its flightpath (such as becoming stuck or deflected) the player must physical retrieve it.
And when equipped or in use, the weapon locks out the ability to have multiple boomerangs (projectiles) active on the field

Armor: Spirit-weaved Guardian Shroud.
A unique and rare phantasmal class armor rewarded for
completing an extremely long and difficult quest chain from Spirit creatures native to a small remote location in the Oceania region.

By collecting different items and drops from different rare creatures in a series of random time limited missions.
Then the adventurer gives all the collected items to NPC spirit creatures to craft the armor.
Furthermore it's appearance and effects are depended upon the items collected and how the player interacts with the spirit creatures.

Due to this Xylon's Shroud armour boosts a high magical defense and
dramatically increases resilience to de-buffs, bad status effects and entrapments.
However the shroud offers below average physical defense and can become fragile after too many numerous large physical attacks.
In short it has no physical ability benefits or support for the wearer.

With the Shroud being one of the Phantasmal class and of it's lore origin combined with Xylon's own influence during it's creation,
it has one rare and special trait which houses a spirit within itself.
While it cannot talk or provide support while battling, the spirit acts as an affectionate, playful and cheeky non-combat companion or pet while idle or outside of combat.

When being used as armor, glowing orbs or "pixie lights" randomly appear whenever it pleases,
much to the dismay of Xylon when he is trying to stalk a monster or hide from enemy sight.
However there are circumstances where “Nuka” knows better not too.. but there a too rare of a moment.

As there is no system to officially name the entity, Xylon christened and refers to it as “Nuka”.
“Nuka” is a shape-shifting mass of energy but the three most common forms it takes are
the base armor form.

The animated form where “Nuka” puppets the armor into a horned bird like creature like form.
But it strongly resembles a puppet more than anything.

Spoiler for Puppet:

The spirit guide form where “Nuka” takes on a nearly fully humanoid appearance utilizing the armor pieces for phyical features.

Spoiler for The Terrifying Nuka!:

Extra: Reinforced headband
A common headband strengthened in order to help keep your hair in place and stop bad hair days.
It offers very small physical defence increase but its the only thing that keeps Xylon's hair back in a manageable condition.

: (See spoiler at the top for a image, and yes I did make all the pictures in this post)

Height: 6'2 foot (187cm)
Medium Tanned skin
Hair: Dark Maroon/Purplish coloured wiry hair, Giant Afro without a headband.
Eye colour: Brown

(I actually have a more adequate picture planned that would actually look like some of the official character art, but I couldn't decide on a pose and accidentally trashed the sketch lol... *crys*)

Play style: Offensive Vanguard

Xylon focuses on a “Guerrilla” or Hit and Run style approach when engaging an enemy directly,
due to his lack of physical defence and low HP.
Relying on out manoeuvring any opponents with focus on speed while utilising interrupts, counter and evading abilities to stop or decrease damage before it happens. Then to jump or run out of range after dealing damage.

(*Interrupting key threats like Anchor Howl and other taunting moves*)

To further enhance his effectiveness and strategies in battle, Xylon uses the Fortune Teller sub-class talents to give himself an extra advantage and to cover his weaknesses.
With Fortune Teller, Xylon has the ability to sense when something dangerous is about to happen and can open brief glimpses into the most probable future when in battle to see a outcome.

However this comes with risks, when “Viewing” if you lose focus or delve too deep into the vision, you leave yourself exposed to the enemy.
(I like the term from Pacific Rim, “Chasing the Rabbit”)

Xylon view limit ranges from 3 to 25 seconds at most into the future while in battle.
The safest being between 3-5 seconds.

Play style: Ranged Rearguard

His Ranged Rearguard play style is similar to Offensive Vanguard style, however the only different
is that focus is given to keeping distance from the enemy and using his abilities to damage from afar and retrieve projectile weapons (boomerangs).

His signature style of backwards jumping high into the air launching range attacks was refined in PVP matches.

Spoiler for Character History:
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