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Old 2014-05-31, 15:50   Link #33
Netto Azure
→ Wandering Bard
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Grancel City, Liberl Kingdom
Originally Posted by Ickarium View Post
Definitely there could be more world-building there. I agree with Green, however, in that it seems there's a few people who only watch the show in order to drop into an episode thread and tell the peons how much the show sucks and they should be ashamed for daring to like it.

Gets tiring sometimes to the point where I mostly discuss the show elsewhere nowadays.
This is the main point that just disenchants me from the anime community in general nowadays. It all started with SAO and its just spread to any series that is perceived as "popular" and therefore should be nitpicked to death.

Coming in week after week just to show their sadomasochism in watching a show they don't like gets tiring.

Moving on, I personally don't mind Kanon. Appearance changes rarely bother me. I really do like Kei, though. He's fun and friendly. Also thought they captured Miki's weird behavior well, and loved Tatsuya's tease/dig to both of them.
Its a coin toss between Kei and Mikihiko to me. I typically like support male characters more than the protagonist due to the variations in portrayals (though they do still fall under certain tropes.)

I just noticed that a lot of magical power depends upon confidence in that the magic will work for you. That's quite a reliance on self confidence for sure.
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