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Old 2014-05-31, 15:03   Link #12
The Green One
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Originally Posted by Faerie View Post
Lol you really gotta hand it to them, they manage to make this show worse every time. It takes a special kind of talent.

This week we are treated to the 0,001% of the worlds population who do not adore our lord and saviour.
A weird elven butler and some of Lord Tatsuya's family. Can't say I blame the man, but of course he is shown as entirely unlikeable and awful.
But not to worry, the remaining 20 minutes are dedicated in their entirety to the worship of your holiness. We even get introduced to an entire lab of adoring servants with Miyuki pretty much drooling in a corner with a vacant expression the entire episode. It's just the best to hear everyone and their mother praise oniisama! Even a cup of tea is about oniisama. Who comes up with this?

Finally, in what has to be the most gripping cliffhanger of the season so far, a car flips over.

If nothing else, this show is definitely funny- unintentionally I'm sure, but funny.
I've really got to ask at this point. Why are you still here? If the idea of having a competent and well liked protagonist is that insufferable to you then there's plenty of series out there with a self insert "this loser is you" protagonist who's utter incompetence still manages to get them fame, fortune, or a harem even if it just has to literally fall out of the sky. Or are your complaints becoming a parody at this point?

Last edited by The Green One; 2014-05-31 at 15:26.
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