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Old 2014-05-23, 03:21   Link #100
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Originally Posted by Marcus H. View Post
Listing them down, including issues with the universe:
• Tatsuya is born with natural abilities that are more powerful than what a normal mage acquires at birth
He is born with powerful abilities but it does'nt mean the other born with powerful abillities can't keep up. And remember it is to the price of not being able to use normal magic. That's all he could do.

• Has weak magic affinity compensated by artificial methods, including advanced technology and bodily surgical procedures
Correction, they tried to solve his problem of not being able to use magic. It was a failure, his normal magic is extremely weak.Advaned technology is available for anyone and is physical body was not enhanced. They just gave him Flash Cast and a weak artificial MCA.

• All known fights were of little risk except for Miyuki's close brush with death. Only one known death in the supporting cast in Tatsuya's side, most wins are against people who hold back against him or mooks who can't really hold a candle against him. Most losses can't even be counted because they are hard counters.
Nobody died in his camp so what? It's common, excepted some terrorists and No Head Dragon Tatsuya didn't kill major villains.Tatsuya is one of the strongest magicians, thus only the strongest can rival him. There are magicians who rival him but they don't fight to death or aren't villains. Lina would have killed him if she wasn't emotionally weak. AFAIK he loses everyday against his master and they both hold back since it's training. They are his only losses. Of what counters are you talking? Phalanx? These abilities are not only effective against his magic and don't think Katsuto is strong only because of this magic.
• Politics contributes to less direct approaches in combat, sometimes resulting in unbelievable periods of peace between enemy factions
• Focus on Tatsuya shifts the standard of "decent magic" such that any other mage that isn't Tatsuya seemed underwhelming -> main gripe with having an overpowered MC
Hum, 10MC magicians are overpowered magicians, everytime one is involved it is noted how powerful they are. Miyuki is overpowered. Which fight was underwhelming to you?

• Team fights are still centered on Tatsuya's skills
It was only the case in the Monolith Code final. Not in Yokohama and Visitor arc.

[QUOTE]• Other factions seemed weaker than intended[QUOTE]

Which factions? You know the 10MC have huge influence and his clan is the strongest of them all. Japan have the strongest magicians if you count individual assets while the only strong magician we know in the GAA is Lu Gonghu.
• Tatsuya's "weaknesses" are not hard weaknesses. Regrowth's pain amplification only gives Tatsuya cold sweat when a normal person can't properly function well under extreme pain, and his prohibition to use secret military spells can be avoided by actually not enrolling him in a high school as a student in the first place.
Regrowth isn't unbeatable. His weakness is his weak magic meaning that he is not versatile. He is obliged to go to school to guard his sister and was interested also because of the libraries. He tried to keep a low profile but it didn't work well.
I am not forcing you to like him but Tatsuya's powers are not so much more powerful than everyone else. It's not as if he was the first invincible hero in the story.
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