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Old 2014-05-22, 22:40   Link #71
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Originally Posted by Ultraviolet X View Post
1) Said it yourself, Maya might fear Tatsuya is getting harder to control, and just get rid of him -speculation
2) Miyuki doesn't have any say in the matter, she is not even confirmed to be the next head of the yotsuba and the only reason she may be is because of Tatsuya. Maya is the clan head - Fact
3) Miyuki doesn't know about the plan to make her the next head to control tatsuya, even Maya's guardian didn't know Maya planned for that untill she mentioned it to him in the reminiscence arc, and she obviously had things planned well before then. - Fact
4) Tatsuya would do anything if he thinks its beneficial for Miyuki's safety - Fact
5) Miyuki currently has another guardian who has been proven competent, and one obviously groomed to replace him - Fact

Miyuki isn't a factor if either Maya and/or Koichi wants to marry Mayumi and Tatsuya. It comes down to Tatsuya (He can stop it if he didn't want to go through with it) and either Koichi or Maya, if one of them didn't want it to take place.

Either way, theres still some unknowns about Tatsuya, Ln 13 has made that much clear. And while Tatsuyas abilities and aliases remain an unknown, he wouldn't even be worth considering for Koichi to marry Mayumi and him together.And theres always the chance Koichi makes his decision on who to marry Mayumi off to before he learns anything of import about Tatsuya.
I feel like the conclusion you reached is a bit confusing and vague here, i'll go through what i think of your points.

1) Maya getting rid of Tatsuya won't be to marry him into another family. Even then, they would just try to control him even harder IF he gets difficult. There's no point for Maya to keep saying "As long as he's miyuki's guardian, he can't possibly betray the Yotsuba family." if they didn't intend to keep him. Just look at Mitsugu's attitude and how he says Tatsuya should be locked up according to volume 13.

2) i guess i jumped the gun on this one. This point needs more context from the story to make any conclusion if Miyuki has some discretion or not.

3) Maya's guardian isn't Hayama, He is the Yotsuba's head butler. Either way, it doesn't matter if Miyuki doesn't know about the plan. Miyuki is still aiming to become the clan head as that is what she had been raised to do since childhood. Maya still intends to put Miyuki as the heir. Both Miyuki's and Maya's plans concur with each other's even if Miyuki doesn't know it. Miyuki weakening her own clan would be dumb if she herself, regardless of Maya, intends to become the head.

4) You forgot her happiness as well. That is just as important as her safety. If Miyuki threw a hardcore tandrum at the thought of Tatsuya going away, Tatsuya would obey her and stay with her as he has no strong emotions tied to anything else. You already saw a hint of this in volume 13 when Miyuki threatened to seal Tatsuya's and her own magic to prevent a tired Tatsuya from fighting parasites that could lead to magic overuse or defeat and his death.

5) Assuming Maya is the current head, Miyuki would never ever release Tatsuya from being her guardian. No one else can decide whether Tatsuya is her guardian or not. Not even Maya could. Unless you want Tatsuya dead of course.

Sure it's possible that Koichi could choose Tatsuya as Mayumi's political partner. BUT, this means Tatsuya taking the Saegusa name. I'm having an insanely difficult time trying to find a reason why any of the Yotsuba including Tatsuya himself would approve or agree with this proposal.
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