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Old 2014-05-22, 20:08   Link #75
I’m sorry, Kamijou-san!!
Join Date: May 2013
Location: California
Can we have two new threads?

I was thinking one of them should be the popularity poll we mentioned before, but I think this one should be for all characters, and just for people who have read through NT 10. And instead of making it a vote for your favorite character poll, I think it might be a good idea to make it perhaps a top 10 character thread where we list our top 10 characters in each post, and explain why we like each one of them, using stuff that goes up to the latest thing they did in the LN's. It can also include stuff from the other mangas if that character appears there. This would be an easy simple way, to gauge how people who have read all of the books feel about the characters since it would be obvious, who is posting there if they haven't read everything because their reasons will either be outdated, they won't have any/many clear reasons, or they won't mention any newer characters or important events. So I think is a good way of gauging favorites. Since any trolling will be obvious and easily ignored. (Also, it would be cool if we could update our top 10 characters every book or so...)

For the other thread I want to request,
Spoiler for NT 10:
but I think this thread should be necessary eventually, though I think it should say post NT 10 in the title.
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