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Old 2014-05-22, 17:21   Link #51
The Hegemon-King of Chu.
Join Date: Apr 2012
Originally Posted by renuac View Post
Hmm, I was going to say that you might be reading too much into Maya’s name, but thinking about it, you make a great point . First, there is the obvious connection between mâyâ, tied to illusions and sleep, and Maya’s Meteor Line that brings the illusion of night falling (and “sleep” to most people unfortunate enough to run into it ). Also, mâyâ as the illusion that traps the consciousness in the physical and mental reality, preventing enlightenment, does have parallels with Maya as the person who ordered Tatsuya’s wings to be clipped and who prevents him from reaching his true potential, both by having actual limiters placed on him and by refusing to recognise his magic as « real magic ».

I wonder to what extent Tatsuya buys into that belief. On the one hand, he seems to fully accept himself as he is, strange magic and all. On the other, he certainly doesn’t seem to think that his magic is all that great, is wistful over the fact that Mikihiko is able to overcome his mental barrier whereas Tatsuya himself will never be a « true » magician and clearly holds Miyuki up as the pinnacle of magical excellence. (Which makes for a nice balance in the way they view each other, but that’s a different topic of conversation.) I wonder if being the “destroyer of Mâyâ/Maya” in this case might also be about regaining a sense of pride in his own achievements and innate abilities, of seeing his "true/supreme self".

Correct. ^_^ It took me a while to make a sort of connection between the two myself, since "Maya" is a less a figure and more of an abstract concept, but thinking more about it, if she serves as a kind of symbolic representation, then it could work. With Tatsuya(Shiva) dispelling the illusions--the Maya--cast upon the world that prevents people from seeing the truth. (I think Maya might be hiding something and that thing she's always hooked up to might have something to do with it...but for now--I'm not sure^^)When truth is revealed new paths are revealed, and Maya's defeat will mark a new beginning for everyone and bring Tatsuya one step closer to his goals.
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