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Old 2014-05-19, 17:49   Link #16
Join Date: Feb 2013
I'm rereading the novels and in one of the earlier volumes(3 to be exact), Miyuki says that one of Tatsuya's flaws is that " he was unable to comprehend goodwill directed towards him. More importantly, Tatsuya honestly questioned why people would think positively of him."
She goes on to blame that on the fact that his parents neglected to "pour" that emotion into him and even went as far as to "strip it from his mind."

Reading this when people are complaining about his lack of flaws drives home just how interesting Tatsuya as a character can be to people who look closely enough. Sure, some might say it's just an attempt by the author to try and make him less of a Gary Stu but I do believe the author has planned far enough that everything about Tatsuya was not merely written on a whim.

The above excerpt just made me realize that, for all people predict Tatsuya being able to end up with someone at the end of the series, it seems more and more unlikely to me the more I reread it. The guy doesn't know or remember what love is. How exactly is he supposed to love someone even if he does indeed magically regain his emotions? Basically, the author has given him a magical reason for having low self esteem and it's really interesting to see how his self image contradicts with how we the readers and even characters in the series see him. While it amazes me how someone as logical as Tatsuya cannot see his own self in a positive light, I shudder at what could happen if he ever sees just how awesome he is himself. He's probably not be extremely arrogant, but he'd be a lot more risky, wouldn't he?

But it might hit an iceberg...
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