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Old 2014-05-18, 03:01   Link #11
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Originally Posted by Echizen777 View Post
I guess it's because she is the main heroine? Shippers have their reasons. I find it quite amusing that some find Masaki X Miyuki impossible despite Miyuki being practically in the same situation as him. Masaki's situation is even better than hers.
No not even close. he viewed Miyuki as his danced partner and love interest but she never saw him more than her brothers opponent during the stone monolith. Its stated in volume 13 chapter 1. In fact they were messing with him the whole time. and in chapter 6 same volume Tatsuya is starting to get certain feelings back as it states that he was feeling embarrassed therefore Miyuki is a way better position with Tatsuya than Masaki does with Miyuki. and those that says Masaki x Miyuki is possible just no. Masaki has his good points but he has way too many flaws to him that just makes him someone desperate for power so that a girl that will never look at him will if he becomes stronger than her brother. Thats really pathetic cause he's forcing himself into their lives and causing this problem with Tatsuya who doesnt even care about him. So to be honest masaki just needs to lay off he's never going to go past being friends. even if he does fight tatsuya again and wins Miyuki is just going to hate him for hurting her brother. Thats just going to make it worst for him and if he tries to hit on her through out the day she's obviously going to decline him because she rather be with her brother. So either ways Masaki's situation with trying to get Miyuki is beyond hope. But Miyuki's chance with her brother is slowly growing as he can slowly regain some emotions
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