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Old 2014-05-02, 03:50   Link #30
Raindrop Melancholy
Join Date: Jul 2009
An interesting theory about the anime OP I've seen from facebook:


The reason behind "MekakuCity ACTORS" - Once Upon A KagePro Theory/Hypothesis/Whatever by me xP

As we all know, Shintaro Kisaragi is our protagonist. A HikiNEET who shut himself in his room for 2 years. The main story of KagePro revolves around him.

But... why do we have like... 9 Main Characters?

Maybe Jin just decided to do "Oh I'm gonna create likable and important characters to boost the fandom and earn money to buy a new truck!!!"

Or maybe, there's another reason behind that.

As you could see at the beginning of the anime (MCA) Opening Theme "daze", the Mekakushi Dan members are holding spray cans which shows their distinctive color.

The animation goes:
No. 1 Kido - No. 5 Momo (Conceal, Captivate)
No. 2 Seto - No. 8 Hibiya (Steal, Focus)
No. 4 Marry - No. 3 Kano (Combine, Deceive)
No. 9 Konoha (Wake)
No. 6 Ene (Open)
No. 7 Shintaro (Favor)

Seems like each frame shows people with opposite eye powers but i'm not so sure about Seto-Hibiya and Marry-Kano.

I'm sure to most, this seems like that "Character Intro" we see in most opening themes. However, I think there's some foreshadowing in this.

As mentioned in Mekakushi Code act 03, Kido's power is opposite to Momo. The pairs might be the characters with opposite eye-powers.

Now onto, the last three frame/s (?)
No. 9 Konoha | No. 6 Ene | No. 7 Shintaro

They could've just put Konoha and Ene in one frame and Shintaro alone on the last one but it looks like Jin is trying to tell us something with those solo character frames.

Ene appeared before Shintaro (protagonist) because Ene is the deuteragonist of the series. (Note: deuteragonist - second most important character next to the protagonist)
Without Ene, Shintaro would have never left that room/Shintaro would have never killed himself.

Konoha appeared before Ene and Shin because Konoha is the tritagonist of the series (Note: tritagonist - third most important character)

According to Wikipedia (lol, I don't really trust that site), "As a character, a tritagonist may act as the instigator or cause of the sufferings of the protagonist"
We all know that Kuroha tortured Marry in Outer Science and, Kuroha accidentally killed Shintaro in Lost Time Memory. (#SPOILER)

With the information stated above, we can conclude that:
Shintaro is the protagonist
Ene is the deuteragonist
Konoha is the tritagonist

The rest (Kido, Kano, Momo, Seto, Marry, Hibiya) are still main characters but not as important to the plot as these three.

Moving on....

Jin originally planned the project to be named "MekakuCity Project". (Mekakushi meaning Blindfold + City) but the title "Kagerou Project" became too popular that Jin decided to just go with it.

The albums of Jin's songs are "MekakuCity Days" and "MekakuCity Record".

He probably got "Days" from Kagerou Days and the two days which serves as the setting of the story (August 14, August 15)

"Record" aka that old disc-like thing you see way back in the early days before CD's became popular is probably Jin's reference to Children Record, Death God Record, etc.
(Also, MekakuCity Actors's logo is "8 circles that form a record" Source:

Now... what about "Actors"? A clear reference to this would be "Heaphone Actor" BUT Ene is supposed to be the one and only Actor. Why is it "MekakuCity ACTORS"

So this explains it....the word "Deuteragonist" is from the GREEK word "Deuteragonistes" meaning "second ACTOR"
(Same goes for Protagonist - Protagonistes - Chief Actor)

The info above^ gives sense to the title "MekakuCity Actors". The Mekakushi Dan members are the main characters. They are the ACTors of the plot.

Please Note that:
ACT 01 - Jinzou Enemy
ACT 02 - Kisaragi Attention
ACT 03 - Mekakushi Code
ACT 04 - Kagerou Days

Instead of "Episode No. etc" it's ACT (probably from those stage play acts or just another clever wordplay created by Jin)
Those ACTs are made possible by the ACTORS of MEKAKUCITY

Moving on...

Like what I said earlier, deuteragonist is from a GREEK word. GREEK. GREEK. GREEK. A word which means second ACTOR.
And where did Medusa (aka Azami) came from? GREEK mythology. GREEK.

So this basically ends my mash of written information.
This is how I view MekakuCity Actors, the Mekakushi Dan and the different "ACTS" of the anime.


I just want to tell everyone what I think about the secrets of Kagerou Project. I'm a sucker for this kind of mysteries XD

But remember, I'm just a rotten 13-year old kid so please don't trust me on this 100%.
The fact that you cry
The fact that you lose your temper
The fact that you get angry
The fact that you hate
The fact that you scream
The fact that you suffer
The fact that you mourn
The fact that you despair
Or the fact that you come to a resolution

Cannot prove that you are right.
~Everybody Has the Right to Make Mistakes~ - Quoted from Kino's Journey Vol. 12
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