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Old 2014-04-27, 16:08   Link #28
I’m sorry, Kamijou-san!!
Join Date: May 2013
Location: California
People should just chill. Misaka/Touma had some great interactions in the anime/manga/LN's... okay... sometimes she got really annoying... recently... but there have been some great scenes... like in NT 8... so it is a matter of personal preference, and rather like her character. Plus, to put it one way... no Misaka would mean no clones, Last Order, Will-chan, Worst, etc... and those are many people's favorite or well-liked characters... so she was useful to most people at least in SOME ways.

Also, I don't know how I feel about Railgun Touma. It isn't a deus ex machina if you read the main series... I mean it is a spin-off... I'm sure Kamachi doesn't think of it as a stand-alone series, even if fans do. That's the difference in seen intent here. Since the creator didn't create it to be stand-alone, it shouldn't be judged that way, even if you only like that series. But yes, many railgun only fans are illogical in that manner, because they ignore that intention and believe their intention as the reader/viwer is more important than that of the author's. It's weird, but it happens. I can't wait to also see this happen with the Accelerator manga. (sarcasm)

I actually think J.C. staff mainly just suck at showing good Touma except perhaps in a few episodes of Railgun S and even then... (I think Index Touma is pretty lousy as well... I way prefer the in-novel Touma). I mean it's good, but not to the standard I hold Kamachi's LN's to, if that makes sense.

This is why I wouldn't mind if we got a different animation studio. J.C. staff's interpretation of this work is killing me. Yes, I'm sure Shaft would also change it like they did to Mekaku City Actors, and Trigger might have a kill-la-kill style... so I don't know... but if they preserved certain aspects of it then Trigger definitely handles over the top action extremely well... but they came into the picture too late darn it!
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