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Old 2014-04-10, 16:09   Link #28
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
... "fighting". Whereas others need the cavalry, some miracle, or impressive cleverness to survive, the closest he's come to difficulty is needing to reveal he's not left-handed. And he hasn't yet. Not really.
Didn't he need the help of his friends and contacts solve his problems recently? And I believe his fights are more and more difficult as the story goes on. It's not as if he is able to do everything alone.

It's not just about his victories or coolness. It's about how the author is trying to push him on us as cool. It's about his completely overspecced existence. (He's a student, a soldier in some secret battalion, a rich inventor. All that before entering high school. Where does he find the time?) Usain Bolt may be the best sprinter in the world (or is it someone else now?), but it's not like he's all that much faster than second best. Or tenth best. Tatsuya's the kind of guy who'd run the 100m in 5 seconds while everyone else in the world is stuck at almost 10.[/QUOTE]

It was mentioned he didn't even need to go to school. He has been raised as a guardian all his life and was working on CAD too, then he started to learn taijutsu at 13 and is still training. Everything he accomplished is justified and not impossible.
And aside from his genius intellect, he is not particularly better than anyone( I am not even talking about his superpowers here).
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