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Old 2014-04-08, 03:56   Link #84
The One and Only
Join Date: Nov 2013
Age: 34
So, I'll be honest, been watching a couple of news videos for my daily amount of news tonight and one of said videos I'm watching is about the abstinence-only education down in Mississippi here in America and how it's an absolute failure and such.

Anyways, that's not the part I wanted to talk about. The part I wanted to talk about was what the news host said in the video, essentially saying this:

"We're (guys in general) not cruisin' for virgins. Virgins' is not something that goes hand-in-hand with the stereotype of 'all guys want virgins because they're pure'. No, a lot of guys don't want virgins because they're kind of awkward, they don't know what they're doing, it's creepy, and sometimes there's blood. No, you want someone who knows what they're doing."

It brings an interesting point to this discussion. Is it better to have someone in the harem who's experienced? Or for the sake of learning together/'it's sweet', is it better for them all to be virgins?
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