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Old 2014-04-07, 03:33   Link #3
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
I want to make a comment in this thread since I just removed some posts in this thread about a rather sensitive topic.

As you may know, some of the geo-political implications of Mahouka's fictional future have been the subject of some controversy to certain cultures due to historical tensions and on-going disputes. I do not in any way want to play down or diminish the importance of these conversations and the issues that may still be considered unresolved. However, AnimeSuki Forums cannot provide a suitable environment to have these important and delicate conversations, and they are likely to only result in prolonged flame wars for reasons that are very poorly understood by the vast majority of the user base here. I think that everyone should educate themselves about East Asian history and geo-politics to better understand and appreciate some of the viewpoints that continue to cause hurt to this day. However, the staff are not able to provide a context where these conversations can happen in a fair, balanced, and neutral way. Therefore, we are asking everyone to please remain focused on the story itself as a work of fiction, and to refrain from bringing "3D issues" into this "2D world", even if you may perceive that the author is doing the opposite. I know that is a lot to ask given the context, but in that case I would simply ask these conversations happen elsewhere on the Internet where they can hopefully be better controlled, managed, and moderated. I may consider posting links to off-site resources that provide a relatively fair and neutral covering of these issues in order to promote education, but please contact me if you have such a resource, and understand that the staff will continue to use our discretion to avoid starting these sorts of flame wars on this site.

Thank you for your understanding.
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