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Old 2014-04-05, 14:05   Link #12
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by nosaer View Post
Can we have a spoiler thread, or another General thread for the LN? I just read a post where the admin removed all the spoilers before I had a chance to see them. I can't read Japanese so I used to depend on this forum for spoilers. all of the specific topics are cool and all, but they deal with old info that nobody really talks about anymore as you can tell from the lack of posts. The old general thread was almost always near the top of the 1st page because someone was always posting there. Now you've taken away the general thread, and removed spoilers from the speculation thread which is the most logical place for them. How does this benefit those of us who aren't new to the series?
A Volume 13 thread was created, so spoilers for the new volume can go there. The intention of the Speculation thread was just that: where people could speculate based on their own intuition. Then, when the volume is releasing, what actually happened can be discussed in the appropriate thread. Once you actually start posting spoilers, it ceases to be speculation and now becomes discussion of fact (or at least presumed fact), so that's why the spoilers can go in the Volume 13 thread.

One of the reasons for creating threads for old info is because we anticipate that a number of new readers will arrive to the franchise with the airing of the anime. They may wish to discuss this older content as they read it without being spoiled for the newer stuff until they get to it.
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