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Old 2014-04-04, 16:25   Link #5
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
I'm not sure if i can even lie here. I'm a frequent forum user at many places and i prefer general threads over all of these very specific threads. This is how i see it, people naturally head to a general thread first. Because of that, there tends to be more people who read that general thread and thus you have more people willing to answer to your posts and that's the point of a forum, It's not very fun if so few people reply to your posts. By separating everything into separate but appropriate threads, it gives me the impression that the forum is sort of unpopular/dead because many threads with less posts doesn't look as good as 1 thread many posts. A general thread encompasses everything, a specific thread can be very.... excluding and you don't even get the feeling that people have at least read your post.
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