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Old 2014-02-27, 12:24   Link #87
Yandere maniax
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Somewhere close to Valhalla
Age: 34
^^ How do you use GT, Bing and ATLAS (for those who have it) to translate from Japanese to English? I mean to ask if you simply translate text in each translation engine and compare the text, or somehow able to combine their result. ^^

BTW, about 邪悪にして悪辣なる地下帝国物語 (Jaakunishite Akuratsunaru Chika Teikoku Monogatari):

How do they raise an army or using the captured ones? Brainwash and tentacle? I have never seen any novel like this that isn't a one or two volumes hentai novel adapted from eroge.
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