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Old 2006-03-15, 17:01   Link #33
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Michigan
Age: 37
Seriously? I thought he was being sarcastic in response to ShinjiPierre's sarcasm... I mean, how else could you take something like that? It can't possibly be serious... right?

Anyway, as for splitting the video, I think you could do edit -> Split Layer, which splits the video at that point into two layers. It still doesn't help for transitions much, though, since you'd have to then move the video on the new layer back a bit to be over top the first layer, and then apply the transition. It's basically just more work than it's worth. I can post a tutorial for doing it like this, if you want, but it would be so much easier to just get Adobe Premiere and use that.
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