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Old 2006-03-14, 18:54   Link #24
The Hawqman
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Ottawa Ontario
Age: 33
The thing is that I have one music video, and then I add it to the compositon one layer. When I play the video the frame rate is extremly slow, i think about 3.0/29.97, when playing. If I were to make a transition between to clips, how would I split the video, because putting the transition on the music video is going to make the whole music video fade. Can you split the video? This may help me a lttile, and I can make some progress, if so, how?

Also is there any way of speeding up the framerate to it's origional, when preview playing it.

It aint picture transition, it is video transition. I have this one video, where I want to split it into clips, them make some transitions between the clips, or some blending, like overlaying and stuff.

Pictures seem self explanatory, for simplicity, but video is kind of different for me.

Last edited by Mr.Hawq; 2006-03-14 at 19:16.
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