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Old 2014-01-31, 10:10   Link #88
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by Cherry_Lover View Post
Well, the initial parts of the routes aren't that important in the overall story, they just set things up for later. So, I suspect that the beginning is the most likely to be significantly re-written. The ending needs to be more focussed, so will probably have to follow a particular route more closely.

The problem with that is that it took the entirety of HF to get to the point where Sakura would actually break. You can't just randomly throw Dark Sakura in for an arc, defeat her and then forget about her. That's what Deen tried, and it was awful.
exactly. That's why I feel HF at the base while adding in a few Fate and UBW story lines for the other characters. To just throw that Grail and Sakura in at the end would just be rehash of the first anime series. And you can't just break Sakura without going into her relationship with Shiro. By showing that grail they are saying that HF plays a role in this anime series and likely not a minor throw in. Rider also has a pretty prominent position in the image alongside Archer and Saber compared to all the other servants and her role too is only explored in HF. whereas she's just a villain of the day in Fate and UBW.
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