Thread: Why we sub.
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Old 2014-01-08, 20:38   Link #36
Former Triad Typesetter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Washington, DC
Age: 40
Ha! Oldbies posting on a dead forum about the bygone days. Love it. I’ll toss my hat in.

I started subbing (as a typesetter) mostly because I was already downloading fansubs, so I was enjoying the shows that were coming out, and also because I waned to learn After Effects. I honestly don’t even remember how I became a part of Ishin-Digital and (from there) The Triad, back in 2002/2003. But I had shots from The Triad’s fan sub of Makoto Shinkai’s “Beyond the Clouds: The Place Promised in Our Early Days” in my demo reel coming out of college. They were a big part of the “compositing” section of my demo reel.

Jesus, has it really been 12 years? No wonder this forum is dead.

Anyway, I petered out of The Triad in terms of active involvement probably by ’05 or ’06, mostly because I was busy with school projects. Also as I got older I started to develop more discernment when it came to anime—when I was 18 I’d watch basically anything, but nowadays I’m a lot pickier (and really look back on a lot of the stuff I watched and cringe). But there are still shows I like every once in a while.

Overall, I’m really glad I got into fan subbing when I did. I feel like, back in those years, it was the digi-fansubbing scene that set the stage for the expansion of the commercial anime industry in the US. I don’t think services like Crunchyroll would exist and be viable without the work of the digi-fansubbers of the early 00’s and the VHS fansubbers who came before us in the 90s. And I learned a ton of stuff about digital video processing, encoding, and (obviously) After Effects trickery that still comes in useful today, now that I’m working in video professionally.

And every once in a while, I log into the old Triad crew channel and yell “SUGOI! HIKOUKI!”
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Last edited by killmoms; 2014-01-08 at 21:07.
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