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Old 2014-01-08, 19:25   Link #20
Join Date: Jan 2014
Originally Posted by amatsunagi View Post

Since the info above is just 1 or 2 chapter of first volume, I thought it is not that much of big spoiler but I'll do so


Nope, I think this is one of those out-of-radar series, coming out from unpopular publisher or Light novel Imprint
Thanks! Just a few more questions.

Does mentally maturity come with this growth spurt or is she like Kon from Tokyo Ravens?
I'm guessing Laftalia plays the role of main damage dealer?
Does she call him master?
Has his relationship with her reached romantic or at least one-sided romance?
Is the blondie some sort of healer?
What is the scale of the challenges Naofumi faces every volume? I can't imagine it being like Moonlight Sculptor where Weed always gets roped into some huge Crusade with the bare minimum of forces.
Is this Kawasumi Itsuki male or female? I'm trying to confirm if all the heroes here are guys.

It seems a little weird for the King to betray him just for something his predecessor had done.

Does it look like the author's going to use Naofumi's trauma to further his character development? I can imagine him freeing Laftalia from her slavery under dire circumstances thereby overcoming his trust issues.
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