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Old 2013-12-20, 21:37   Link #73
Join Date: Dec 2013
Name: Fahrey
Class: Monk
Subclass: Pathfinder
Level: 90
Build: Evasion Tank/Back-up Tank
Guild: Formerly of The Independents, now guildless
HP: A lot
MP: Not enough

Equipment: A collection of artifact or fairly high level production gear from a variety of different servers. There is no unifying design style to what Fahrey wears beyond "not clown suit" and "kind of works." Focus on boosting evasion, MP regen, and movement speed (not attack speed). Only one item is really of note.

Knight-Errant's Deceit: Said to have once been worn by a renegade knight seeking to correct the corruption he saw; he wore this mask believing it would help protect his fellows from retribution. A smooth metal half-mask etched with oaths of justice, this artifact-class accessory has a low chance of reducing the cooldown on certain evasion skills when hit. Fahrey wears it more because he likes how it looks then anything else.

Playstyle: Fahrey has only one maxim when it comes to battle: don't die. As a tank, Fahrey is less concerned about dealing damage or killing things and more concerned about pulling aggro, keeping hate, and not dying. As he opted for a monk as his primary character, Fahrey prefers to fulfill his one rule by not getting hit and so he prioritizes mobility and dodging over damage dealing. However, even if you can dodge every hit, a tank isn't doing it's job if it isn't keeping hate, so Fahrey carries a few items that help him regenerate MP more quickly so he can spam skills combos more frequently (and as a positive upshot, Fahrey prefers skills that do the job of tank while also boosting his evasion). While a competent main tank, Fahrey truly excels as a back-up tank since his hyper-kinetic combat style works exceptionally well at grabbing ADDs and sub-bosses, plugging holes, and providing a bit of battlefield control. Post-Catastrophe he's also picked up a somewhat off-kilter delight in kiting mobs madly around a zone while his allies pick them off; his friends grumble a bit about him having seen far too many wuxia movies.

Background: Prior to the Catastrophe, Fahrey was a somewhat lackluster post-grad coasting through school on minimal effort and squandered talent. More interested in playing around than his future, Fahrey was a fairly long time player of Elder Tales. Due to his long history, Fahrey has a tendency to outlast the guilds he joins and has been part of a great many with a variety of interests, but due to this most of the relationships he forms tend to be fairly shallow and short term. Some what fed up with trying to find a lasting small-to-medium sized guild to raid with, and not particularly interested in joining the large guilds, Fahrey decided to explore the international servers. His forays into the international servers left him with a rather large collection of server unique artifacts and production items; his time on the Korean server has also left him with slight fixation on collecting cash shop pets and mounts (because they're cute!). He also possesses a rather large generalist knowledge on the layout and quest structure throughout the world.

Post-Catastrophe: Stranded on the Japanese server with few contacts he can rely on, Fahrey is only moderately active in raiding however he's less interested in leveling or gaining new items and more interested in finding a way to establish contact with North America and finding any friends which may have been caught up in the Catastrophe (prior to his roving, Fahrey usually relied on guild systems to contact friends, and never quite picked up the habit of adding people to his friendlist). A strong supporter of the Round Table due to the changes he's witnessed, Fahrey has also been volunteering to test the Fairy Ring system since he believes his game history and experience would be helpful to a team should the system ever lead one into a non-Japanese zone. He is currently guildless since he was actively avoiding people during the recruitment drives (out of fear reasoning that given the chance the first person people in fear tend to turn on is the person who's different) and the deterioration of Akiba; after the Revolution, he found less of a need and a greater interest in freelancing between guilds as a third party.

Last edited by WhiteJoker; 2013-12-22 at 00:59.
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