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Old 2013-11-20, 04:26   Link #40
Pretentious moe scholar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 37
Originally Posted by sneaker View Post
Even Core i7s sometimes choke on subtitle effects. Since ASS is just some homebrewn format without limits/levels, some groups go way overboard with the effects.
For me, it's not even that, it's that software seems to have such an enormous impact on subtitle decoding. I know from past experience that some UTW subs would lag during complex subs on my Core 2 Quad desktop (2.4ghz) yet would run fine on my much less powerful Thinkpad X120e (AMD E-350 dual core, 1.6ghz) using xy-vsfilter. So glad CCCP switched over to using xy-vsfilter so I don't have to bother with such things anymore.

I have no idea what the speed or stability of the various mobile playback solutions are like, aside from having asked around and learning that some of those same UTW subtitle effects could crash HDPlayer Pro on the iPhone 5 (non-S) while the rest of the episode played fine. That could have been improved by software updates though.

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