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Old 2013-10-17, 08:53   Link #35
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
I don't see why you bring the matter they will make a whole new social game despite there isn't anything about that. The vita version is, for all we know, just a port for the vita or a spin off and it is very unlikely it will have an international release either.

The risk stands as the local market is much more profitable than relying on foreigners who aren't investing as much (I really doubt the likes of Imas cinderella girl would make as much profit as in Japan for example) so having foreigners taking slots away from their targeted customers is not a good business decision at all.

The very fact there are hardcore gamers in the west doesn't change the point it will not bring as much profit as the intended audience. Furthermore, it also adds additional issues regarding payment with foreign credit cards, which is always more detrimental due to how japanese banks work.
It is basically a risky advent for no apparent and certain gain at the end of the tunnel. Not worth it at all.
Actually i means on the opposite. International company/corporation buy the right to release the game oversea/ on international market. Translate it. Make profit from it, and give the Japanese developers a certain royal bonus.

That's why i mentioned about why Westerner developers have to make a whole new game, when the cost likely will be much more than the royal bonus and the cost to translate the work. On the Japanese partner, they faces no risk at all (unless their fan base somehow started to move to international version, which i doubt it), likely to make their name on global market, and could make a nice profit on top of whatever they get. Company like Mobage did it, but only on their own game, rather than Japanese exclusive games like Kantai Collection. So it's a real pity

Slightly off-topic, but just another rant on another game that I (likely) to miss out again
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