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Old 2013-10-15, 22:21   Link #7
Duo Maxwell
A Proud Lolicon
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: In front of my computer
Age: 37
Originally Posted by LystAP View Post
Maybe they have something against us Allies for sinking most of the original ships.
That is not something I'd be joking about. It's like the Pearl Harbor joke. The Japanese really respect their ships.

The main reason is because there are limited slots for players, and if they open the floodgate for outsiders, it's surely will be swarmed with a bunch of foreigner that will hardly pay anything and could even lead to server bottleneck. I've seen them asking people not to play the game on mobile, but a lot of people don't bother listening. I had to join the lottery for 2 weeks before getting my chance, you know.

Back on the game, this is the reason why we need 4 baths. Akagi gets crit all day, everyday. Even a scratch on the BB could put it in the bath for more than 3 hours.

Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
...this is probably a game that requires you to be able to read and understand Japanese, right?
To my experience, a bunch of 4chan guys who have no clue about Japanese still be able to play it, but that requires extensive amount of reading on the wiki, asking around and be able to recognize the Japanese words at least.

At least with the recent announcement, seems like DMM doesn't mind foreigner much, but they won't guarantee anything, so if you suddenly find you're locked out from the game, don't bother complaining.
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