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Old 2006-02-28, 05:57   Link #91
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Germany
Age: 39
Song Translation Help

I'm currently listening to "Kanon AIR Piano Arrange Album Re-feel". I'd like to ask, if anyone would help me out, with translating some tracks to Romanji. The tracks I'm unsure about:

1. 約束 from [Kanon] (Yakusoku?)
2. 少女の檻 from [Kanon]
4. 夢の跡 from[Kanon]
5. 残光 from [Kanon]

If I'd have more free-time, I'd take japanese lessons Anyway, I hope it's okay to ask for help. I enjoy this album and would be happy, to fully understand it.
Another question... Are there any good and non-japanese Key Music info ressources on the net? I've found some for AIR music, but sadly, nothing for series/games like Kanon/CLANNAD.

I hope, there wasnt a topic like this before... but try to search for "translation". Probably not so smart on a forum like AnimeSuki

TiA, Aesir
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