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Old 2013-09-30, 17:26   Link #55
I’m sorry, Kamijou-san!!
Join Date: May 2013
Location: California
Originally Posted by LazyHunter View Post
I just thought about it, does anyone else feels it's a bit stupid that Mikoto "threw away her pride" and managed to convince Misaki to basically erase a few memories to put Shinobu's actions on the Silent Party Arc in a better light (god knows what the Queen forced her to do) when she has expressed a disgust of tampering with memories and in the novels dismissed the idea of asking Misaki for help with Touma's memories because she didn't want to be in her debt?
It was certainly weird. I think it was temporary maturity though. Since Daihasesai arc didn't happen yet they don't really hate each other, they're just on edge to each other.

Neither one of them trusts the other at this point, but I don't really think things don't make sense there...

I also thought Mental Out was used to make people in the darkness not lash out at Mikoto + friends. That's what I actually thought instead. Shinobu implied Mikoto hacked the records away... which I'm sure
but anyway, I think Shinobu implied from Mikoto that Misaki had helped reduce the darkness backlashing at everyone involved in the incident. I think Misaki might have made people in general forget about the darkness... that would make much more sense to me... If that were true, it would have fixed everything and might foreshadow something about next arc

Anyway, the other thing was that since Misaki's powers were used to make the darkness back off... I don't really see any problems with this arc except the still remaining time-line discrepancies which I'm thinking about, but haven't thought about that much yet... I'm not really sure the arc ended when people say it did... so I'm still slightly skeptical... as to whether it's a problem or not... but I'll definitely think about it and then put in my two cents...

I just want to say: If you are being really nitpicky you'll always be able to find a mistake. If you're not being nitpicky then you won't find one. It isn't like Kamachi doesn't have mistakes... it's just that in Kamachi's case in non-original arcs, people can fix them by thinking really hard about why they aren't mistakes.

Simple rule of human psychology: You will try harder to find what you are looking for, so it is easy to find a mistake here and not want to try that hard to resolve it. It is otherwise hard to do so in an Index arc because you have a tendency to believe that everything was planned out in advance so you try harder to resolve it and find out that you are able to... That's just how cognitive biases work. (I know I'm being annoying by mentioning this... but Kamachi uses this to write Mikoto's character which is why I think it's appropriate to mention because he in fact subscribes to the idea himself...)

So... I am going to check if I can resolve the inconsistencies. If I can, it's fine. If I can't, I will agree the arc has some problems... That should make some sense, right?

Also, they had FIVE_UNDER this time because the point of the villains were for them to be wannabe villains. I mean that was the point...

This argument recently has been: me saying the villains are supposed to be weak. You guys replying, the villains are lame and weak so that's bad... I mean I understand why you're doing it, it's human nature... but it's sad I can't get my point across... IT'S FRUSTRATING

The other main reason I don't think this arc breaks canon is that Mikoto included her friends partly because they were already involved with Febri... and because Mikoto already could tell she couldn't handle the darkness alone... In fact, Mikoto relying on her friends in this arc here instead of Touma makes more sense because it shows that she doesn't always rely either on Touma or just do things alone. The point of Index is to show glimpses of what the characters are doing in the relevant arcs being discussed. Since Railgun world-builds Raildex... I argue that we don't know how Mikoto is when she's outside of Index arcs. Just because we always see her interfering with Touma in Index doesn't mean that she can't do things with her friends... That's the point I was trying to make. (We can't assume how Mikoto appears in the arcs that we see her is how she acts at all times in her personal life... I know it sounds weird, but in fictional universes it is important to recognize that readers never fully understand characters. Only the author does... Characters can always have other nuances that just haven't come up yet... That's true in real life, so I don't see why it shouldn't be true in a fictional universe as well that tries to be very "believable" (consistent). )

Maybe Kamachi actually wants to write Mikoto as someone who does stuff with her friends when she's not involved in most Index arcs... Also... considering that Mikoto + her friends were all involved in the Endymion incident... this didn't seem that out of line either in terms of involving her friends...

I argue the remnant arc was different because that had to do with the Sisters directly and she doesn't want her friends to know about them and that was pointed out here during this arc when she wouldn't tell the others about the sisters. That's why remnant arc doesn't actually contradict why this arc doesn't make sense at least from my point of view.

I can do this all day--will do this all day (when not studying). If someone wants to bring it on, bring it on.

(Practicing arguing skills, not actually debating in a hostile manner ).
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