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Old 2013-09-29, 22:15   Link #30
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Canada
Originally Posted by dniv View Post
In the end, even if Mikoto is naive about magic and other things, we don't actually know how naive she is in general. The railgun manga has shown her develop in terms of maturity arc by arc, so I'm not really sure she's supposed to be naive as people generally consider her to be...
She isn't. She was naive (really not any more than a usual middle schooler would be) until about the start of the sisters arc. People claim she's naive because she's not as involved in the darker side of things as other characters are an doesn't know about magic.

You know what the weird thing is then... Considering that for the Sisters arc, they went as far as referencing material from the LNs and looking at other materials outside of the manga + a lot of hidden details in the manga and other cool additions, how could they have missed all of that? It doesn't really make sense to me. I mean the same director was doing both parts right? So why would one part be so much different from the other in respect to respecting the canon?
I think they just don't care. That's the only reason I can see.
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