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Old 2013-09-03, 00:30   Link #89
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by Shadow5YA View Post
I just noticed that all the movie 3 posters still have Homura with her original shield/sand dial, which implies she still has her original powers for some time.

Perhaps movie 3 will lead to Homura coming to terms with Madoka's sacrifice, which in turn leads her to earning the bow and arrow at the end of the TV series.
The artwork features Madoka as a normal magical girl too. Difficult to say why those changes were made. The movie takes place after the show though, so having her shield back means something isn't right. And of course, Sayaka is supposed to be dead. So either it's just promotional art, or story hints.

Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
I don't know... What about her character design makes you think Madoka? The only thing about her character design that makes me think Madoka is the pink dress with white polka dots and the overall facial expression. But both could just be due to SHAFT trying to make a cute little magical girl character. And the other elements of her character design have considerable differences from Madoka.

I'm not necessarily opposed to Madoka incarnating herself as a human - In fact, if I was writing this, I'd probably go for exactly that - But I'm curious to know what about this girl makes you think "Madoka incarnated".
The eyes are a mix of red and orange. Madoka's eyes are Red and her ultimate form is Orange with a red tinge (see avatar). The overall color design is a mix of colors mostly worn by Madoka. The polka dots are reminiscent of Charlotte, but we've never seen her human form and witches can be very abstract, looking nothing like their original human form.

The incarnation makes sense. Think "avatar" or something like Jesus, or the incarnations of Naraku from Inuyasha. It's Madoka, but not Madoka. Not only does it fit the religious symbolism of Madoka, but it also circumvents the reason she can't exist in the mortal plane. The young age helps add credibility to this speculation, since it's a mystical thing, she could be aging quickly.

But I could be wrong, and probably am. We are talking about a story written by a master troll, after all. She could just be the new Yuma. Or maybe someone wished Kyuubey was a Magical Girl.

Last edited by Solace; 2013-09-03 at 00:44.
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