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Old 2013-09-02, 15:45   Link #60
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Originally Posted by dniv View Post

So 1. I don't know why the Index manga isn't in the U.S.

and 2. Can the lack of Index manga perhaps be a large reason for why it isn't selling so well?
The simple answer is popularity. Index isn't that popular enough to be license in english which is unlike railgun manga.

I know railgun manga is popular because I bought one when I visit hongkong and even in local store where I bought my manga. you can have a reservation for it.

I'm telling you. Its easier to sell characters that shows a lot of girls. Be it cute or sexy. Harem is in boon! and ecchi stuff are the current trend.

Let me ask you. In the current novel that are keep on showing up. Name a few novel that doesn't have ecchi and harem theme on it.

which is sad
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